Raj Bahadur Giri currently working as an Executive Director in Kathmandu Training Center was born and raised in a small village of Bajura province no-7. He started his career in TVET sector and has continued in that field ever since. He was appointed as the GM of Local Development Training Academy (LDTA) of Nepal Government and was the member of far western development commission. He was also appointed as the member of National Planning Commission of Nepal in 2021. He worked as an executive member for NEPAN for 4 years serving two tenures. He was involved in different sectors including agro forestry in which he worked for Denish forestry extension, Care Nepal and United Missions to Nepal. He worked in Drinking water project for more than 10 years as a team leader. He is a strong believer and promoter of ABCD approach in Nepal. He was the first person to introduce social mobilization course in Nepal and was involved in making its curriculum and getting it authorized by the government of Nepal. He also worked as the facilitator for the trainings that was provided to the political leaders regarding Conflict resolution and policy planning. He has been enthusiastically involved in social auditing and has also gained experience in the field of psychology mainly in psycho social counseling.